Sailing CSV Vitae

Finally! The Bahamas

Our Christmas wish comes true and we finally have a weather window to cross from West Palm, Florida to West End, Grand Bahamas. Almost our whole group of boats ventures out eager to finally get to warmer weather and that fabled blue water. With some knots in our stomachs we head out – afterall this…

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The Floridian Curse: Being stuck in West Palm

We were travelling down the ICW through Florida, where the bridges become more numerous and also lower. Often we saw boards showing bridge heights of 62’. With our air draft of 61’ we can clear those no problem, but as we went along more and more of the bridges were opening swing or bascule bridges,…

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Florida ICW: and 40 bridges!

We finally make it to Florida via the ICW. Our plan was originally to go all the way down to Miami, but we are playing with the idea of leaving from West Palm. Before we get there, we stop in St. Augustine, where we finally meet up with some new friends and have way too…

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Georgia Swamps and Barrier Islands

Georgia is said to be the toughest of the ICW, as it has so many small rivers that run through shallow marshy areas, connected by sounds open to the Atlantic. But it also has some of the most beautiful barrier islands, and old southern historic city’s such as Savannah. For us, it offered so much…

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ICW adventures, Virginia to North Carolina

Now we have reached the end of the beautiful sailing grounds of the Chesapeake Bay and we start our first miles on the ICW. This way we are circumventing the sometimes hazardous wind and wave conditions around Cape Hatteras, a very pronounced point reaching out into the Atlantic on Hatteras Island, a large barrier island in…

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